Racial/Ethnic Confidence Gap in the
Accuracy of Elections
M. Glenn
InfoSENTRY Services, Inc.
The Racial/Ethnic Confidence Gap in the
Accuracy of Elections
Glenn Newkirk, President
Services, Inc.
Voting, voting rights, and
access to the ballot have been key flashpoints in American political history. Scholarly
research abounds in how political parties, regional interest groups, and
political candidates have used racial and ethnic divisions to increase turnout
in some elections and suppress various groups’ participation in other
A touchstone of democracy has
been that once the election is over, all groups have accepted the election
results as being fairly and accurately counted. According to most media
accounts and “conventional wisdom,” the US Presidential Election in 2000, which
turned on a decision by the US Supreme Court, sorely tested that assumption.
However, relatively little
detailed research and analysis exists on the degree to which major
racial/ethnic groups in the United States are confident that the results of
elections in which they participate are accurately counted. The answer to this question
has importance in dealing with the issue of low voter turnout in US elections.
If voters across the board do not have confidence that their votes are counted
accurately, the impetus to vote might well be lessened. If voters in a specific
racial/ethnic group do not have confidence that their votes are counted
accurately, a weakened incentive to vote in that group might lead to an
underrepresentation of that group’s voice in the election.
In an effort to establish at
least a baseline descriptive answer to the question, “Do members of major
racial or ethnic groups in the United States have differing levels of
confidence that their votes are counted accurately?” InfoSENTRY has asked the
following question each January since 2004 in an Opinion Research Corporation
nationwide opinion poll.
“Now I have a question about elections
in your local area. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are not at all
confident and 5 means you are very confident, how confident are you that votes
for federal, state, and local offices and ballot issues are counted accurately
in the elections in your area?”
In order to obtain an overall
“positive” assessment of the confidence in election count accuracy, we added
the “4” (confident) and “5” (very confident) responses. We derived the overall
“negative” assessment by summing the “2” (not very confident) and “1” (not at
all confident) responses.[2]
The next calculation step was to
derive a “net confidence score,” also called “the spread,” by subtracting the
negative scores from the positive scores. This type of calculation is a common
step in public opinion and marketing research.
Table 1 contains the numerical
results of the net confidence scores in InfoSENTRY’s January surveys from 2004
through 2011. Figure 1 contains a graphical representation of the same trend data
for the three major racial/ethnic groups during that time period.
A first observation that leaps
from the data is the decline in confidence in vote tabulation accuracy among
all three major racial/ethnic groups from 2004 to 2011. In 2004, the net
confidence score for Whites was 53. That number rose to 58 in 2007, but
promptly reversed course substantially, ending at 48 in 2011.
Among Blacks the net confidence
score was only 9 in 2004. However, by 2011, this group’s net confidence score
had dropped to -4, the only net negative confidence score in Table 1.
The net confidence score in
election tabulation accuracy also fell for Hispanics over the eight annual,
national surveys. The score began at 35 in 2004 and ended at 25 in 2011.
The declines are statistically
significant over the eight-survey period.
Table 1
Major Racial/Ethnic
Groups’ Confidence in Election Results’ Accuracy
Figure 1
A second observation is that
White respondents have maintained a significantly higher level of net
confidence in elections tabulation accuracy than have Black and Hispanic
respondents. In general, Whites have maintained a net confidence level in vote
tabulation accuracy that has been twice as high—or greater—than has been
Blacks’ net confidence level in vote tabulation accuracy. In the 2011 survey, the 52-point spread
between Whites’ and Blacks’ net confidence scores in election tabulation
accuracy was the greatest spread of any observed among racial/ethnic groups
during the eight national opinion surveys.
While not producing as wide a
gap as between that of Whites and Blacks on the issue, Whites’ net confidence
levels in vote tabulation accuracy have been higher than Hispanics’ net
confidence levels in every survey since the beginning of our research effort in
2004. The gap in net election tabulation accuracy confidence scores between
Whites and Hispanics was at its greatest in 2005 when it reached 41
points. It was at its low point in both
2008 and 2010 when the gap was only 6 points.
The major contributing factor in
the wide variations in the gap between White and Hispanic net election
tabulation confidence scores arose largely from fluctuations in the Hispanics’
confidence scores. Net confidence scores among Whites, while declining over the
eight national surveys, generally were more stable across the surveys than were
the net confidence scores for Hispanics.[3]
A third observation is that
there were major, statistically significant drops in net confidence in vote
counting results among Black and Hispanic respondents from the observation
period in January 2010 to the observation period in January 2011. While the net confidence scores for the White
racial/ethnic group remained statistically unchanged between the 2010 and 2011
surveys, the net confidence scores “fell off the table” for Blacks—dropping 22
points—and for Hispanics—dropping 15 points.
InfoSENTRY’s annual national
survey of attitudes on U.S. confidence in the accuracy of tabulated election
results documents several unsettling trends for the nation’s democratic
institutions. First, the overall
confidence in election results accuracy is lower than most academics, elected
officials, and election administrators would like them to be—and their trend
lines show overall decline over the better part of the last decade.
Additionally, there are
significant “racial / ethnic group gaps” in confidence that U.S. vote results
are accurate. Among the three largest racial/ethnic groups, the greatest gap in
confidence lies between Whites and Blacks. The election campaign and election
results in 2010 probably did little or nothing to narrow that gap. Indeed, both
the general decline in and the racial / ethnic divide in confidence in election
results increased after the 2010 elections. Lawmakers and election
administrators now face the question: If we passed HAVA and spent several
billion dollars shoring up the nation’s voter registration systems and voting
equipment (with a lot of paper trails) and those steps have had little or no
effect on voter confidence in the accuracy of election results among any of the
major racial/ethnic groups, what next?
This White Paper presents the findings
of telephone surveys conducted among national probability samples of 1026
adults in 2004, 1018 adults in 2005, 1004 adults in 2006, 1017 adults in 2007,
1018 adults in 2008, 1002 adults in 2009, 1024 adults in 2010, and 1006 adults
in 2011. All respondents were 18 years of age and older, living in private
households in the continental United States. The margin of error is plus or
minus three percentage (±3%) points. Interviewing for this Opinion Research
Center CARAVAN® Survey occurred in mid-January of each year. Opinion Research
Center is one of the best known and most established opinion research
organizations in the United States.
InfoSENTRY Services, Inc. is an
independent information technology services firm based in Raleigh, NC. The firm
manages project assessments, quality assurance audits, information systems
security and business continuity projects, and system analyses for public and
private sector clients throughout the United States and Europe. InfoSENTRY® has
no financial relationships or business partnerships with hardware, software,
network, or election systems vendors.
The InfoSENTRY logo and InfoSENTRY® are
registered trademarks of InfoSENTRY Services, Inc. CARAVAN® is a registered trademark of Opinion
Research Corporation.
[1] CARAVAN® is a registered trademark of
Opinion Research Corporation. An endnote to this White Paper provides
additional information on the sampling and statistical methodology involved in
ORC’s CARAVAN® national telephone surveys.
[2] The “3” response on the 1 through 5 scale, commonly called the Likert
scale, is an affective neutral score,
indicating neither positive nor negative feeling toward the object of the measurement.
We did not include these neutral responses in our tabulations. Similarly, we
did not include the “don’t know” responses in our calculations.
[3] The trend lines in Figure 1 show the relative smoothness of the net confidence levels for both Whites and Blacks from the 2004 through the 2010 surveys. Hispanics’ net confidence scores varied widely during that period. We do not rule out the possibility that some of the variation in the Hispanics’ net confidence in election results’ accuracy scores comes from the relatively small sample size for this racial/ethnic group.