Yaquina Bay Lighthouse in Newport, Oregon

Capacity Assessment, Readiness Assessment, and Risk Analysis for an Oracle® ERP Project

InfoSENTRY prepared an organizational capacity assessment, readiness assessment, and risk analysis for a county’s enhancement of its Oracle® financial system. The county had implemented Oracle’s general ledger and certain parts of the human resources and payroll systems in 2000. After an analysis of the potential benefits and costs of enhancing, expanding, and integrating the system into a full enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the county contracted with InfoSENTRY to prepare an in-depth assessment of its capacity to undertake the multi-year, multi-million dollar project.

InfoSENTRY prepared a research effort to interview over 100 county managers and staff members in business units and the information systems (IS) unit. InfoSENTRY’s research design also included focus groups with information systems staff members, site visits to other counties, and reviews of project-relevant documentation.

The report recommended a detailed set of project management, project staffing, documentation, meeting, and reporting streams for the effort. InfoSENTRY also recommended a realignment of the county’s IS unit in order to provide optimal support for the greatly expanded Oracle® ERP.

InfoSENTRY also included an assessment of the county IS unit’s security and business continuity management plans, policies, and procedures. InfoSENTRY provided a basic set of recommendations for security procedures to complement previous security assessments recommendations for the county’s HIPAA- (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) and Oracle®-related data.

A major section of InfoSENTRY’s report included a risk analysis of the planned Oracle® enhancement project. This analysis included a determination of the project’s main risk elements, an evaluation of each item’s potential impact and probability of occurrence, and recommendations for steps to mitigate each risk.

The county accepted InfoSENTRY’s report and recommendations. It is currently underway with the implementation.




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Version 1-1: 2010.02.15

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