InfoSENTRY Services, Inc.

Title: Photo of a Black Swan - Description: Photo of a Black Swan


Information Technology (IT) Consulting
Enterprise Resource Plan/Supply
    Chain Management QA Reviews
Strategic Plans
Feasibility Studies
Needs Assessments
Requirements Analyses
Risk Assessments

InformationTechnology Project Management
Full-service Project Management
Independent Quality Assurance Reviews and Audits
Independent Verification and Validation Research
Project Risk Assessments and Risk Management
Software Test Plans and Testing
Project "After Action Reviews"
Contract Performance Reviews

IT Project Recovery
Project Status Assessments
Project Recovery Plans
Project Recovery Management

Systems Security and Business Continuity Planning
Risk assessments and business process control reviews
Business systems security planning

Systems security reviews
Systems security outsourcing
Network vulnerability assessments
Business Impact Analysis

Business Continuity Planning
and Testing     919.838.8570 


InfoSENTRY Corporate Profile

InfoSENTRY provides information technology consulting, project management, quality assurance reviews, project recovery, security management, and business continuity planning to private and public sector clients.


Click here for information on how to contribute to global disaster recovery and relief efforts: (Oxfam)

(The World Food Programme)

The American Red Cross


News Releases

Americans’ Confidence in Vote Count Accuracy Continues Slow Decline.” (PDF-color)

Americans Trust Electronic Voting Systems More Than Other Technologies in 2012.” (PDF-color)

American Public Views Large Institutions’ Security Capabilities as Not Too Big to Fail.” (PDF-color)

InfoSENTRY White Paper

Organizational Change Management in Information Technology and Business Transformation Projects. [PDF-color]

The Racial/Ethnic Confidence Gap in the Accuracy of Elections [PDF-color] [HTML-large file]

Trends in American Trust in Voting Technology: 2004 - 2008 [PDF-color] [HTML- large file]


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Truthiness: 13 Ways to Avoid Nearly Accurate Vendor Statements.[PDF Version]. [HTML Version]

"User Acceptance Testing Lessons Learned"


"Enron and IT Quality Assurance"


Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity for State Legislatures: A Roundtable Discussion

"Improving the Effectiveness of Training in Enterprise-wide System Implementations"

"Increasing Your Return on Failure:  How After Action Reviews Make the Difference" UPDATED

"Dark Corner to DotCOM: The Road Ahead for Internet Voting"

Privacy Policy

InfoSENTRY News Releases


       InfoSENTRY Services,

Inc.     919.838.8570
Two Hannover Square, Suite 2330,P.O. Box 28048
Raleigh, NC 27601




© 2000-2008 by InfoSENTRY Services, Inc.  
All Rights Reserved 
Rev: 2011.03.16



Satellite Photo of a hurricane bearing down on the United States

Market Focus

ERP/CRM/Supply Chain Management
IT project management and quality assurance consulting to assure strong systems links between customers and products. 


Election Offices
Independent IT project management, HAVA-Project(tm) services, quality assurance assistance tailored for election directors--and Election TechREPORTS™ newsletter. 


State Legislatures
IT technical support, system security management services, and business continuity services for mission critical applications in critical institutions.


State Governments
Information Technology management assistance for State CIOs and agency IT staffs.


Local Governments
IT systems support for vital public services.


Schools, Colleges, and Universities
Information system and leadership consulting services to education institutions
